Thursday, 2 February 2017

Powder Paint Line Environmental Upgrade - Six Sigma Project - Define Phase - Feb 2017

The company has a conveyor track powder paint line system that allows parts to be painted to be hung on a conveyor track and these then pass through a 5 stage pre-treatment wash, then a drying oven before being powder coated and cured in a curing oven. Approximately 3 years we took on a new customer that has doubled our paint line production but has almost tripled the amount of pre-treatment chemicals used. This is generating a large amount of phosphate pollution that our current installed waste water treatment facility is struggling to cope with. It is proposed that changing to greener chemical solutions will reduce the financial cost and environmental impact, while still maintaining all customer requirements.

The first step of any Six Sigma project is the Define stage. This is carried out to determine what the issues related to the project are, the scope of the investigation and what goals are to be achieved.
Project Charter: The team developed the Project Charter through discussion to give the project a clear direction through the Mission Statement. This was then expanded in the Problem Statement that focused the team to explore why this project needed to be tackled and what the base line metrics were. Following this natural progression the next stage was to set the goals that were hoped to be achieved. This required the collection and analysis of historical accounts to breakdown the costs into the separate areas in question.
Project Schedule: A Gantt chart was developed to give deadlines for the various stages of the project. The time frame for each phase is relatively short so this chart will ensure that all team members are aware of when individual sections are to be completed.
SIPOC Chart: The SIPOC chart was developed as a means to better understand the High Level flow of parts through the entire manufacturing process. Special attention was paid to the pre-treatment stage to ensure that all the team members understood what was happening to the parts during this process, which is the change in the surface structure of the material that ensures better adhesion of the paint to be applied. This has to achieve two Critical to Quality features that our customers demand. The first is the quality of finish on the final painted parts that must be free from defects or discolouration. The second is the measure of the performance of the paint through a number of destructive tests and the completion of 750 hours of Salt Spray testing as carried out in accordance with ISO 9227.

Fig 1: SIPOC Chart – High Level Process Flow

The purpose of the Measure phase is to establish base line data for the process as it is in its current state. With this in mind the project team set about collecting the relevant metrics that are associated with the pre-treatment process. Using the Project Schedule developed on a Gantt chart the first step was to establish how much was spent on pre-treatment chemicals and how much was spent on the maintenance, removal and treatment of used chemicals.

This was broken down into the following areas.

Total spend on the three different chemicals used in the pre-treatment process – This includes the regular chemical adjustment to ensure correct active levels in the tanks and the annual complete replacement.
In House costs – Including time spent ensuring correct chemical concentrations, time spent cleaning the spray nozzles of sludge build up, time spent draining and treating the wash tanks, gas costs for running burners for heating chemical tanks and annual shutdown cleaning.
Treatment costs – Including the annual cost of IBC’s bought to empty the chemical tanks and to have these used chemicals taken offsite and treated by a third party.
Collecting all this data was time consuming as, although most of this was being recorded, it had never been collated and analysed as an entire process.

The process of examining the various inputs and outputs of the pre-treatment line provided a good basis to develop the Process Flow diagram. This is a higher level version of the SIPOC chart developed in the Define phase and captures the Pre-treatment process with all its inputs and outputs. Through the development of this diagram the team developed a better understanding of where the costs attributed to the process were being consumed and gave better focus to how the improvements being considered would impact these costs.

As the purpose of the paint line as a whole is to provide our customers with a finished painted product that is to the requirements they have stipulated it was decided that a VOC/CTQ chart be developed for the Measure phase. This is shown below and highlights all the CTQ requirements that must be achieved for all painted finished goods leaving the factory. All of the tests are carried out in house with the exception of the Salt Spray Resistance which is outsourced to several different specialists so that results can be cross referenced. 

Fig 2: VOC/CTQ Chart


With the Measure phase completed and all the base line metrics gathered we could move on to the Analyse phase of the project.
A meeting was scheduled for all the team members to come together to brainstorm the causes and effects assigned to the problem being investigated. This was developed through an Ishikawa diagram. The framework of the diagram was drawn on a white board and the problem statement written at the head. This ensured that all team members were focused on the problem at hand and did not drift off track too much. It was decided that we should use the 6M categories and the causes of the problem explored for each of these categories (see Fig. 3 below).

Once the Ishikawa diagram was complete it looked as though we had the main causes of the problems identified. To follow the natural progression of the line of thinking the Ishikawa brainstorming session developed we decided to highlight the main causes and investigate why these were happening. The tool that lent itself perfectly to this process was the 5 Why analysis.
Due to the fact that the project is not investigating product failures but rather increasing costs, both financial and environmental, it was decided during a meeting to break the 5 why analysis into 4 sections. These were 2 financial costs, maintenance costs and heating costs, and 2 environmental costs, waste chemical treatment and waste water treatment. Each of these was explored and gave the team more focus on areas that should be able to be explored in the Improvement phase.

The team also wanted to analyse the financial data that had been collected in the measure phase. It was decided that the best way to understand the breakdown of cost was to present the data in a Pareto chart. This was developed and it clearly showed the gas cost of running the pre-treatment tank heaters and the cost of purchasing the chemicals that are used in the tanks accounted for over 80% of the annual spend. It is understood that it will not be possible to eliminate all of these costs but it is hoped that significant reductions can be made in one or both of these areas.
The requirement to send waste chemicals off site and the IBC’s needed to transport the chemicals make up the next 12% of the Pareto chart and is an area that we will be targeting with the aim of significantly reducing this cost.

A meeting has been scheduled with the chemical suppliers to discuss the findings made by the team. Some good initial feedback has been received with several potential alternatives to current chemicals used and line set up that will be reviewed in more detail at the meeting. A site visit has also been scheduled to another firm that has been using alternative chemicals to produce the pre-treatment required. It is intended to have some sample panels prepared on their line that we can paint and then subject to our test procedures to determine the effectiveness.

Fig 3: Ishikawa Diagram


Having Measured and Analysed all the data we had collected the next phase of the project was to Improve the process to reduce the costs and phosphate production. Our chemical suppliers arranged a site visit to a firm that has been using the proposed pre-treatment system for some time. We were very well received and allowed to ask questions relating to phosphate and sludge generation and cleaning schedules that backed up the chemical suppliers claims. Unfortunately this firm did not have the same level of CTQ requirements for paint finish performance so several aluminium and steel chips were brought along and allowed to be run through there pre-treatment process. These were then painted on our system with a selection put aside for destructive testing and a selection was sent away for salt spray testing.

The teams preferred system of exchanging the phosphate conversion coating chemical to a zirconium based equivalent, would require the entire pre-treatment line to be shut down and completely cleaned through before the setting up of the new configuration could be carried out. This will take several days to complete and once the new system is in place it will need several more days to balance the chemicals and ensure the process is working correctly. For this reason it was decided to carry out the changeover during the annual factory shutdown at the end of July and early August.
The team had data from the chemical suppliers that showed that we can expect due to the very low levels of phosphate in the new chemical the time spent treating the waste water could be reduced by up to 50%. Also the sludge generated by the new chemical would be 60-70% less than the current chemical which would equate to 75% reduction in maintenance time removing and cleaning the spray nozzles.
It has also been shown that the projected annual usage of the new chemical should be 50-70% that of the current phosphate based chemical. When taking into account the change in conversion chemical and the complete removal of the passivating chemical from the last stage we can expect a reduction in the chemical inventory of approximately 55%. Unfortunately the new chemical is more expensive so we do not expect to see any significant financial savings from this aspect.
The additional financial savings will be achieved through the removal of the requirement to heat a second tank which will reduce our overall gas cost by approximately 25%. Also the new chemical can be treated in house thus eliminating the cost of purchasing IBC’s and third party off site treatment for 2 of the stages giving an additional saving of over 50% for expense.

With a time frame that has had to be extended to the annual shutdown a team meeting was called to discuss what else needed to be done. It was highlighted that some of the stakeholders still had reservations regarding the project. To help improve the teams understanding of these issues a Stakeholder Analysis chart was compiled. This gave focus to which parties still needed convincing of the project and how best to get their support (see Fig. 4 below).

Fig 4: Stakeholder Analysis


As the proposed changes to the system will not take place until the annual factory shutdown the elements detailed in the Control phase of the project will be based on the planned tests and reviews that are to be put in place once the changeover has been completed.

From a scheduled team meeting for the Control Phase it was decided that the SOP’s and Work Instructions should be reviewed and draft new revisions prepared so that the line operators can be trained to the new system. These documents have now been created and will be tested by monitoring and Internal Auditing once the new system is installed and running to ensure they correctly reflect the procedures being carried out.

The paint chips that were pre-treated during the factory visit to the firm already using the proposed new chemical were painted on our automatic line by hanging them on the conveyor after the pre-treatment stage. Several steel and aluminium chips were prepared and catalogued. One set of chips (1 steel and 1 aluminium) were sent to our chemical supplier for them to carry out the NSS testing in their chamber and another set was sent to our paint supplier for them to carry out the NSS testing in their chamber. We have asked for the chips to be tested to 1000hrs which is longer than our customers require and having two test done simultaneously will allow for a comparison of the results. 1000hrs of testing equates to approximately 6 weeks so I will probably not have the final results for the completed report but I have asked for regular interim reports of the progress and any results received will be included.

As quality of the finish in both appearance and adhesion are our customers primary requirements a selection of the remaining chips prepared in the new chemical were subjected to the destructive tests we are required to carry out. These tests include a crosshatch test, an impact test, a hardness test and a mandrel bend test. The results of these are shown below in Fig 5. We also have a digital coating thickness gauge that we check the thickness of applied paint to ensure that sufficient paint is being applied and is adhering to the surface.

Fig 5: Destructive Test Results

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